A Touch of Understanding
Feb 06, 2020
Meghan Adamski/Roxanne Snyder
A Touch of Understanding

A Touch of Understanding (ATOU), located in Granite Bay, provides disability awareness programs designed to educate a new generation to understand the challenges associated with disabilities and to accept and respect all individuals.

The mission of A Touch of Understanding is to encourage acceptance and respect for all individuals and to minimize the discrimination, bullying and misunderstanding experienced by children and adults who are perceived as different for any reason, but especially those with disabilities.  

Here is a link to their website.   ATOU has been around for over 23 years.  We serve nearly 11,000 students a year and in over 23 years we have served over 120K elementary school children.  

Meghan's presentation will focus on sharing the work we do with our Disability Awareness workshops in over 125 schools a year.