John Frisch on Region Real Estate
Our speaker for the day was John Frisch.  John is a 30-year Rotarian from the Sacramento Club, an ex-President of the club, and is currently the District 5180 Vocational Chair.  He was accompanied by Fred Teichert, our current District Governor, also from the Sacramento Club.  John has some interesting stories about his Rotary history. His career has been in commercial real estate and he reported that most of the commercial real estate activity in the Greater Sacramento Area is in South Placer county, and we will soon feel the effect much more in Lincoln. 
Fred encouraged our members to attend the District Conference in Sonoma.
The biggest event of the day was when Vic won the raffle drawing that was down to 3 cards - winning $600.  Vic being the good guy that he is said he he would be donating a good portion to our charities, saving only a couple of big bills for himself.  Thank you Vic but you did not have to do that.  You earn it with your faithful running of the raffle every week. 
A few loyal Lincoln Rotarians went to see our Girls Softball and Boys Little League teams get started.  Dan also had an info booth at the Little League opening.  Due to a late notification, we could not muster the resources to support a barbeque at the Little League opening.  See picture link below.
Also see the link below for an article written by Dan for the LNM on the recent Blood Drives. Thanks Dan for a job well done.
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