Clark presented a very organized and informative program beginning with a timeline of the development of the Rotary Foundation from the start at the 2017 Convention and titled " purpose of doing good in the world". The first donation was $26.50. In 1928 the endowment was changed to The Rotary Foundation and consisted of $5,000. In 1949 Paul Harris died and the members donated $1.3 million dollars to the Foundation in his honor. 1985 began the "End of Polio" Project.


PolioPlus. Since 1988, Rotary and our partners have immunized nearly 3 billion children against polio. As of June 2022, Rotary had committed more than $2.3 billion to global polio eradication. We’re still working to eliminate the wild poliovirus in the last two countries where it remains endemic and to ensure that it does not return elsewhere. In 2021-22, program awards, including PolioPlus Partners grants, totaled $150.5 million.

Rotary Peace Centers. Each year, the Foundation supports the training of peace fellows at Rotary Peace Centers, where they earn master’s degrees or professional development certificates. Since 2002-03, 1,600 fellows from more than 140 countries have participated. In 2021-22, 130 fellows from 57 countries began their studies at the Rotary Peace Centers, and program awards for the fellows and centers totaled $3.9 million

District grants. District grants support small-scale, short-term projects related to the Foundation’s mission. In 2021-22, the Foundation approved 478 district grants, and program awards totaled $27.2 million.


Global grants. Global grants fund large-scale international activities with sustainable, measurable results that support Rotary’s areas of focus. Activities include humanitarian projects, scholarships, and vocational training teams. In 2021-22, the Foundation approved 1,199 global grants, and program awards totaled $72.7 million.

Disaster Relief grants. Rotary’s disaster response grants support relief and recovery efforts in areas that have been affected by natural disasters within the past six months. In 2021-22, the Foundation approved 207 disaster response grants, and program awards totaled $7.8 million.

Programs of Scale grants. Programs of Scale grants empower Rotary members to work with experienced partners to implement large-scale, high-impact projects over three to five years to benefit a large number of people. Based on a model that has succeeded in reducing the maternal and neo-natal mortality rate in Nigeria, the member-led Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria program was awarded the 2021-22 grant of $2 million, which was matched by $4 million in funding from our partners.

Grants were awarded to 1885 various projects in these 6 types of grants listed above. In 2021-22 these grants were funded for a total of $111 Million dollars.


(These notes regarding the programs were obtained from the Rotary Foundation Website.)