Rotary Motto:
Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Next Guest Speaker 1-4-24
 Cynthia Liddell - Cynthia moved to Lincoln in 2005. She has been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln for ten years, serving on the Board for three of those years. She has been the club President the last two years and was inducted into the Kiwanis Dunlop Fellowship in 2023 for her outstanding leadership and support of the CNH Kiwanis Children’s Fund. 
Minutes of Meeting 12-21-23

Richard opened the meeting with Edgardo leading the Flag Salute and Dick Fowler leading the Four-Way Test with 30 members and 5 guests present. 

Guests present: Wayne Crow(Dianne Fix husband), Jamie Wendell (Guest of Joann), Pam Abab, and Marie Salers from the Lincoln Garden, and Sean Scully, Guest Speaker.

Lyricist and Poet -Alan Lowe
Alan's topic for his poem this week was "Dreams". From Alan's notes; "What will the future bring? We have goals and aspirations. Can we achieve what we desire? To do so we must have...Dreams."
Committee Announcements
Paul announced that 5 club members will be going to Chapala, Mexico in March. "Wild Bill": covered the December Blood Drive saying that 35 people signed up and there were 2 walk ins. However there were 7 no shows. In spite of that, 24 pints of blood are available to save 48 lives. The next Blood Drive is February 9th. Joann reminded members to sign up for the District Conference held on May 17th, 18th and 19th. 
Guest Speaker Sean Scully 12-21-23
Sean Scully is the Lincoln City Manager.
Sean was hired in January of 2022. His priority on arrival was to triage the needs of the city. Having spent a good part of his first year looking at needs for specific new employees, looking at the financial needs and looking at the future growth expected in the next 20 years for Lincoln. Sean is now working on the city General Plan update. Some of the areas of interest that he mentioned were the low income property tax which pays mostly the police and fire departments, the airport which is a financial liability, but this is offset by the people the airport brings to Lincoln and provides income during their stays. He mentioned the need for a new police station, the Titan Missile Site, the fact that Lincoln pays P.G. & E. 50% more that Roseville ( why?). He said that the City Budget is now on line and reader friendly for easy access to citizens.
Potential Speakers
Speakers are an important part of our RCL meetings. We learn about issues and how we can help others locally and globally. If you would like to be a speaker, or know a potential speaker interested in making a difference please contact and the information will be forwarded to the Speaker Chair. 
Happy New Year
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!
January 4 Cynthia Liddell
Lincoln Kiwanis Club
January 11 Clayton Lee
WASH projects Zambia& Guatemala
January 18 Mike Rutledge
January 25 Kiwanis Foothills President
Kiwanis Foothills
Meeting 1/4/2024
Lunch - Mr. Pickles
Sign In
Jan & Linda
Take Down
Phil, Bill Cook
Meeting 1/11
Mexican by Becky
Sign In
Carole O.
Take Down
Coming Events 
January 27
Phoenix and Atlas H.S. Fundraiser
February 24:
Taste of Italy
April 27:
Lincoln Wine Fest
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort
RI Convention- Singapore
May 25-29, 2024
Club Executives 2023-2024
Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Link to Photos for 12/7
Link to photos for 12/14
Link to photos for 12/21
     Many thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
             Birthdays and Anniversaries
 December 14th-Jan 4, 2024
Claire Luke: Dec. 24
Joann Hilton: Dec. 27
Julie Baird: Jan. 3
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
Janice Fett(John): Dec. 17
Sarah Kevin(Greg): Dec. 17
Ari Spillers(Dakota): Dec. 18
Denise Alves(Matt): Dec. 29
Jerry and Karen Johnson, 56 years, Dec. 30
W.Bill Cook and Sandy, 55 years Dec. 29
Nat and Rod Benipayo, 43 years Dec. 27
Scott and Melinda Pickett, 36 years Dec. 29
Paul and Gail Radcliffe, 15 years Dec. 20
Eric and Skylar Wheeler, Dec. 31
Bill Laube and Jan Scura, 10 years Jan. 1
Rotary Join Anniversaries
W.Bill Cook, 18 years, Dec. 29
Truman Rich, 17 years, Dec. 21 
Bill Lauritsen, 3 years, Dec. 29
Judith Ratley, 39 years, Jan. 1
David Bonillo, 31 years, Jan. 1
Ken Campbell, 28 years, Jan. 3   
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                      MEETING PHOTOS