Rotary Motto:
Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Meeting Bulletin for
Notes kindly provided by Jan Hutchinson.
Next Guest Speaker 2-15-24
    Our Upcoming Speaker is Sue Oliveira. Six years ago she co-founded 100+ Women Who Care Placer County. We look forward to hearing about this interesting topic.
Minutes of Meeting 2-8-2024

  President Richard opened the meeting with the flag salute by Julie Baird and Frank Neves led the Four Way Test with 28 members and 2 guests present. Guests present: Erin Faye (Kim), and Ryan Ronco (Shanti).

Events and Committee Announcements

 Richard called on Tony Zugich to give an “ice breaker” presentation, which was an excellent talk on how Darrell and John (his neighbors) introduced him to Rotary, his role as an I.D. specialist in the Vietnam War, his 42 years as the General Manager of 350 employees in the Hayward Pumps business, and his work on the Dart Properties committee. Wayne Cross will be our next “ice breaker.” 

Kimberly reminded us of the Sober Grad night this weekend, and the members who will be bartending. Claire announced that the Women's Club will be closed from March1 to March 20th due to flooring work. President Richard is checking on alternative sites where we can brown bag our March RCL meetings. He will update us ASAP. Carole O., Community Service Chair, would like to meet with committee members on February 15th in the conference room after the club meeting. Jan: "Our own Alan Lowe wrote and directed a comedy Reader's Theater Production with an excellent cast and production crew to packed Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall audiences on Feb. 3rd and 4th. Well done, Alan."

Guest Speaker Ryan Ronco

Ryan Ronco is Placer County’s Clerk-Recorder-Registrar of Voters. He was appointed to his current position by the Placer County Board of Supervisors in 2016, was reelected by Placer County votes in 2018, and reelected in 2022, each for four-year terms. The office has a budget of $13 million and employs a full-time staff of 53. Ryan has successfully administered over 100 federal, state and local elections for the voters of Placer County during his tenure since 1993 in the Clerk-Recorder-Elections Office. He discussed the Statistics in Placer County, which is the 18th largest county of California’s 58 counties. Placer has the highest percentage of eligible voters who are registered. New residents are participating and registering. In 2020, there was an 88.3% turnout. He discussed mail it in, drop it off, or vote in person. Placer County has recently adopted the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) election model, which has transitioned away from assigned polling places to larger, regional voting centers. It will reduce the need to have just 500 helpers in comparison to 1500. Voters can come to the new voting centers and see how voting is done and tabulated. For more information, visit website at Service Clubs can serve in polling centers with at least 10 members helping, and who can earn funds for their clubs with participation from 3 to 5 days. Call 1-800-824-8683, if interested. Ryan discussed open versus closed primaries, drop off ballots, technology in tracking ballot delivery, quality control checks, meticulous proofing, checking voter rolls, and vital records, and working with the post office re: change of a voter’s address.


The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!
Happy Valentine's Day
February 15- Sue Oliveira
100+Women who care Placer County
February 22- Morgan Gire
Placer County District Attorney
February 29-5th Week Social
Meeting 2/15
Lunch - Lincoln Chinese
Sign In
Take Down
Wild Bill, Paul
Meeting 2/22
Lunch - Lincoln Chinese or Pizza
Sign In
Jan & Shanti
Take Down
Wild Bill, Paul
Coming Events
February 24 & 25
Leadership Training District 5180
April 27:
Lincoln Wine Fest
May 11:
Clay Day Event 8-5
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort
RI Convention- Singapore
May 25-29, 2024
Club Executives 2023-2024
Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Link to Photos 1-18-24
Link to Photos 1-25-24
Link to Photos 2-1-24
Link to photos 2-8-24
     Many thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
             Birthdays and Anniversaries
Feb 9-14
Kimberly McCue, February 10
Tony Zugich, February 11
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
None this week
Dianne Fix and Wayne Crow, 17 years February 14
Rotary Join Anniversaries
Phil Koenig, 8 years, Feb. 11, 2016
Speakers are an important part of our RCL meetings. We learn about issues and how we can help others locally and globally. If you would like to be a speaker, or know a potential speaker interested in making a difference please contact and the information will be forwarded to the Speaker Chair. 
Additional Announcement
Joann reminded members that District 5180 is providing a Leadership opportunity to any member, February 24th and 25th. this is an outstanding opportunity to improve leadership skills, such as effective communication, facilitation skills and business and project planning. Another benefit is this meeting and getting to know members of other clubs in D5180.
President Richard has offered club support for the $150.00 course fee. Taking such a course benefits you, the member, as well as the club.
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