Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Next Guest Speaker 1-4-24
 Cynthia Liddell -  Kiwanis Club of Lincoln
 Information in the next bulletin.
Minutes of Meeting 12-14-23

Richard opened the meeting with Paul leading the Flag Salute and Joe leading the Four-Way Test with 25 members and 10 guests present. 

Guests present:  guest speakers Kerry Callahan & Michael Adell, Tom Kelley-12 Bridges Counselor and 2 Students of the Month: Wyatt Flannery and Sydney Hofstetter, the Flannery family, and Chris and Tracy Hostetter, Sydney's parents.


Committee Announcements
 Clark came forward with the 100% Paul Harris Club banner. Joann announced that the Wine Fest is selling tickets and that it will soon sell out. Richard received a thank you letter from the recipients of the soccer balls recently donated to Kenya. Kris announced a fund raiser January 27th to benefit the Phoenix and Atlas Schools. She strongly urged members to attend the event: a tri-tip dinner. Cost $45.00. Dave B. cautioned members to be sure to pay insurance premiums on time- miss payment by one day and that policy will be cancelled!!
Guest Speaker Kerry Callahan 12-14-23
Kelly Callahan educated the club on how the finances for WPUSD are distributed. The reality is that about 80% of the budget goes to salaries and benefits. The remaining 20% goes to all the other aspects of funding the local schools.  Various surveys of the Lincoln community indicate that the quality of teachers,  and the teaching of math, science and technology are high priorities for this community.
She went on to discuss how difficult it is to build new schools. It currently costs $230 million to build a new high school due to regulations that categorize schools with the same/or similar regulations for Fire Departments and Hospitals. This is because in emergencies, schools are a place of refuge as are the Fire Departments and Hospitals. She discussed the schools that have been built since 2000 and how many are projected for the next 25 years.  Bond Measures A and M provided for the building of 12 Bridges School which opened 3 years ago. How future needs are going to be met will be a herculean accomplishment.  Michael Adell discussed many of the financial complications of future funding.
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!
Merry Christmas      
December 21 Sean Scully
Lincoln City Manager
December 28
Dark-No meeting
January 4 Cynthia Liddell
Lincoln Kiwanis Club
Meeting 12/21
Lunch-Lincoln Chinese
Sign In
Take Down
Dick, Bill Cook, Paul 
Meeting 1/4/2024
Lunch - Mr. Pickles
Sign In
Jan & Linda
Take Down
Phil, Bill Cook
Coming Events  
Kiwanis help: see sign up from Greg.
December 20:
BOD meeting-Claire Luke's (open to all members)
February 24:
Taste of Italy
April 27:
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort
RI Convention- Singapore
May 25-29, 2024

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Link to Photos for 12/7
Link to photos for 12/14
     Many thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
             Birthdays and Anniversaries
 December 14th-Jan 4, 2024
Claire Luke: Dec. 24
Joann Hilton: Dec. 27
Julie Baird: Jan. 2
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
Janice Fett(John): Dec. 17
Sarah Kevin(Greg): Dec. 17
Ari Spillers(Dakota): Dec. 18
Denise Alves(Matt): Dec. 29
Jerry and Karen Johnson, 56 years, Dec. 30
W.Bill Cook and Sandy, 55 years Dec. 29
Nat and Rod Benipayo, 43 years Dec. 27
Scott and Melinda Pickett, 36 years Dec. 29
Paul and Gail Radcliffe, 15 years Dec. 20
Eric and Skylar Wheeler, Dec. 31
Bill Laube and Jan Scura, 10 years Jan. 1
Rotary Join Anniversaries
W.Bill Cook, 18 years, Dec. 29
Truman Rich, 17 years, Dec. 21 
Bill Lauritsen, 3 years, Dec. 29
Judith Ratley, 39 years, Jan. 1
David Bonillo, 31 years, Jan. 1
Ken Campbell, 28 years, Jan. 3   
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                      MEETING PHOTOS
#1 The Interact Angel Stockings. Delivered to Mather Hospital for recovering veterans.
50+ Hats donated by William Jessup University Members. #2 Clark  #3 Soccer Balls for Kenya
#4 Students of the Month 12 Bridges (Sydney, Wyatt and Counselor Tom)