Rotary Motto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Next Guest Speaker 1-18-24
Mike Rutledge is our next guest speaker. He will speak about first responder drone operations.
Minutes of Meeting 1-11-2024

President Richard opened the meeting with the flag salute by Jerry and Greg led the Four Wat Test with 27 members present and 3 guests. Guests present: Speaker Clayton Lee, Larisa Perryman and Lindsay DaRosa from RunningForRhett. Richard invited them to share a bit about their non-profit. They spoke of Rhett, a child with severe cerebral palsy who died at age 7. His mother used running as a way to handle her grief. She encouraged her friends and family to run a half marathon at the 1 year anniversary of Rhett's passing by saying: "We all need to run for Rhett since he was never able to run." Ultimately the Non-Profit was formed in his memory and serves to encourage children to run for their health. More information is available at:


Lyricist and Poet -Alan Lowe
Alan's topic for his poem this week was "Natures colors". As usual, something to think about.
Events and Committee Announcements
Guest Speaker Clayton Lee
Clayton has been a Rotarian for 45 years. His current passion is guiding larger Rotary Grants to fruition. Why does he favor larger size grants? He used past water projects, for example, that were constructed by individual Rotary Clubs. He said that when a year or two had passed, members would return to see how the project was doing. These smaller projects frequently would not be functioning at all. The community simply did not know how to maintain  the facility themselves; expected that Rotary would come back and fix it. So Rotary wanted to develop Global Grants that would have lasting IMPACT. This requires A LOT more Money. So partners with Districts and other organizations with common aspirations were sought out: particularly World Vision. This allowed trial projects in Honduras, Ethiopia and Zambia that ranged from 3 - 6 million dollars. Local people were trained to maintain the water projects, maintain a bank account sufficient to make repairs, and physically be involved in the construction. The IMPACT on the region was tremendous, as women could spend more time with their families, possibly get educated and the communities would be able to develop businesses. These grants are called Grants of Scale. Clayton stressed that Rotary needs these bigger projects to make lasting IMPACT. World Vision is an ideal partner as they match partners dollar for dollar. The impact of Districts getting together is beyond significant. District 5180 last year donated support from 100% of the clubs which has never happened before in Rotary.
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!
January 4 - Cynthia Liddell
Lincoln Kiwanis Club
January 11- Clayton Lee
WASH projects Jambia and Guatemala
January 18 - Mike Rutledge
January 25 -Kiwanis Foothills President
Learning about Kiwanis Foothills Club
Meeting 1/4/2024
Lunch - Mr. Pickles
Sign In
Jan & Linda
Take Down
Phil, Bill Cook
Meeting 1/11
Mexican by Becky
Sign In
Carole O.
Take Down
Coming Events  
January 27:
Fundraiser Phoenix H.S. & Atlas School see Kris
February 9:
Blood Drive
February 24:
Taste of Italy
April 27:
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort
RI Convention- Singapore
May 25-29, 2024
Club Executives 2023-2024
Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Link to Photos for 12/7
Link to photos for 12/14
Link to photos for 12/21
     Many thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
             Birthdays and Anniversaries
 December 21st-Jan 4, 2024
Claire Luke: Dec. 24
Joann Hilton: Dec. 27
Julie Baird: Jan. 3
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
Denise Alves(Matt): Dec. 29
Jerry and Karen Johnson, 56 years, Dec. 30
W.Bill Cook and Sandy, 55 years Dec. 29
Nat and Rod Benipayo, 43 years Dec. 27
Scott and Melinda Pickett, 36 years Dec. 29
Eric and Skylar Wheeler, Dec. 31
Bill Laube and Jan Scura, 10 years Jan. 1
Rotary Join Anniversaries
W.Bill Cook, 18 years, Dec. 29
Bill Lauritsen, 3 years, Dec. 29
Judith Ratley, 39 years, Jan. 1
David Bonillo, 31 years, Jan. 1
Ken Campbell, 28 years, Jan. 3   
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