Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Next Speaker October 12, 23 Judy Kent
Guest Speaker, Judy Kent
Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue & Sanctuary was founded in the year 2000. Thanks to the vision and generosity of our founders, Jody and Mike Jones, we have carved out a peaceful haven from eight acres of the countryside where dogs can run, play, train, and be loved on their journeys to forever homes.
Minutes of Meeting 10-5-23

Kimberly opened the meeting with 29 members including guests present, with the flag salute led by Joann and the 4 Way Test led by Clark.

Guests Present: Jon, Heather, and Janet Osterhout; Joe Scheimer, and Lincoln High School students of the month: Cheyenne Singleton and Annelise Cedarholm, Counselor Misty Alarcon, and Katie Singleton, mother of Cheyenne.



Kris presented Kimberly a housewarming gift of a bouquet of pink roses.

Joe Scheimer gave us a Polio Plus Update. In 1979, Rotary began its fight against Polio. In 1985, Rotary began its worldwide fight with 350,000 polio cases, and in 2000, the Gates Foundation matched our donations with 100 million dollars. In 2023, there are 7 reported cases. The Polio Plus Society collects $100/annually from members. See flier, use QR code, or see Clark.



Guest Speaker- Jon Osterhout
   Football Coach “O” of the American River College Beavers gave an outstanding presentation of the mission, the vision, and the focus of the coaches and support staff in striving to perfect their craft as leaders of young men in preparing them to enter a 4 year college and a future with the Sacramento workforce. Focus for games: preparation, physicality, effort, fundamentals execution, and brotherhood are emphasized. There are 147 young men 17- 19 years old in the program, who are committed to academic excellence, and are tough, dependable, and competitive.


Rotarian "Getting to know you " (better)

This photo is Dick Fowler being honored as Paul Harris plus 9.

"I was born in Auburn, California and I and my two brothers and two sisters are 5th generation Placer County residents. In fact, my Fowler genealogy dates back to the California Gold Rush, the Massachusetts Puritans and back to Marlborough, England.

I went to schools in Lincoln and college at California Polytechnic and earned a degree in Ornamental Horticulture. I met my wife of 50 “deliriously happy” years (her words) at Cal Poly and we have a daughter and son who also graduated from Cal Poly. We have 5 grandchildren.

After Cal Poly I returned home to continue working with my grandfather and father in the nursery founded in 1912. The nursery grows fruit and nut trees for commercial orchardists throughout the western states, and have shipped trees to every continent except Antarctica. My sister and her family still operate the Fowler Ranch Marker and soon- to -open Brewery.


The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1.Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
     5. HAVE FUN !!
10/12 Judy Kent
President, Homeward Bound
Golden Retriever Rescue
10/19 Bob Deering
Police Dept.: Human Trafficking
Where do we go from here?
10/26 Officer Bryce Rogers LPD
Technology, Crimes & Scams
Meeting 10/12
Sign In
Dianne & Frima
Take Down
Paul & Dick F
Meeting 10/19
?   ?
Joann& Joe S.
Sign In
Diane Fix
Take Down
Paul &Phil K.
Coming Events
October 12
Senior Health & Safety Fair
Tour de Lincoln
October 21
October 24
World Polio Day
November 30:
5th Week Social Evening
December 15:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
     Link to photos for 9/7/2023
       Link to photos for 9/28/23
       Link to photos from 
       Night at the Races
Many thanks to Jan Hutchinson for providing the meeting notes for this Bulletin!
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             Birthday's and Anniversaries to October 12
 Happy Birthday to: Mark Andreatta (Holly) October 6 
                                   Janet Osterhout (Clark) October 7
Happy Rotary Anniversary to: Joe Stewart 40 years October 12, 1983