Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meetings Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street , Lincoln
Speaker for August 17, 2023  Janice Gage

Janice Gage is a native Californian residing in Loomis for the past 20 years. Janice joined the 89-year old Auburn Rotary Club in 1997 and has been active in fundraising, public relations and community service. She is the 2024 District 5180 Conference Chair overseeing the 2024 Joint Districts Conference in Reno. (5150, 5180, & 5190)

Minutes of the Meeting held on August 10, 2023
Richard opened the meeting of about 25 members and guests present, with the Flag salute led by Kris and the 4 Way Test led by Emma
Guests present: Rotarians PDG 5190 Steve Snyder, and Tim Puliz and RI Director 2021-2023 Vicki Puliz
 A correction for my report for Edgardo last week. Edgardo accepted the position of Vocational Services for our club. He was named Paul Harris & Triple Crown Societies Chair for District 5180 by Joe Scheimer, District Foundation Chair 2020-2024.
Announcements 8-10-23

Claire announced that 8/31 is a member and guests social event. The social will be held at Orchard Creek either the Solarium or the Secret Garden from 5:30-7:00 PM. She needs to know who plans to attend. Cost TBA. Kris covered Night at the Races. She stressed that EVERYONE is needed to make the Fundraiser successful. There is a sign-up for providing home made or purchased cakes for the Dessert. Auction Baskets are also welcome. The sign up will be passed around again next week but if you cannot attend please notify Kris regarding what you plan to do that evening. Paul is doing a yeoman's job of putting together prospective projects for World Service. Dan said that he is trying to increase community knowledge of Rotary via attending the Chamber of Commerce events. He said that the Chamber Mixer has been rescheduled to Wednesday 8/16 at the Public Library from 5:30-7:00. Any members are welcome to attend, just let Dan know if you plan to join Paul and him. Darrell shared that Linda is recovering very nicely from surgery this past Monday. She is due home today. HE continued with Blood Drive information. There are many fliers that have been printed with all the information that anyone could need, that need to be spread all over Lincoln. The next Blood Drive is coming up fast on 8/24 from 10:45-2:30 and the Rotary goal is for 50 participants for blood donation. Note this is a Rotary meeting day.

Vicki Puliz Guest Speaker

Vicki introduced Steve Snyder before beginning her program because Steve was also a RI Director some years ago. She then began to answer the question: What is being a RI Director? It is the privilege of serving around the world and the joy of experiencing so many different cultures.

Directors come from Zones and there are 34 Zones in the world that are based on Rotary membership numbers.

Vicki described 1 Rotary Center as an18 story building as the heart of Rotary, that employs 600 with an additional 200 other International offices around the world. She complimented the General Secretary of RI, John Hewko (from Kyiv, Ukraine) as being competent, efficient and professional. The BOD meet four times each year and these meetings connect many different cultures. They employ a staff of interpreters who manage to keep everyone informed of discussions in real time at all the meetings.

She described stories and had photos of several of the countries she visited in the role as Director.


Please continue on the next page.

2024 District Conference-
Held at the Grand Sierra Resort Reno


Janice Gage 8/17

Chair Triple District Conf.

Sean  Scully  8/24
Lincoln City Manager
No Meeting- Social  8/31
Linda Mann     9/7 
Kaiser Nurse
Meeting Set-up 8/10
Kerry Callahan
Greeters 8/10
Kris and Bill Alston
Front Desk/Attendance 8/10
Meeting Takedown 8/10
Paul & Phil
Meeting Set-up 8/17 
Greeters 8/17
Paul & Carol A
Sign In 8/17
Take Down 8/17
Paul & Phil


Coming Events

August 24:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
August 31:
Club Social
September 29:
Night at the Races
October 21:
Tour de Lincoln
December 15:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
May 17, 18,19 2023
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Link to photos from 8/3/23


Link to photos from 8/10/23
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                                      Celebrations to August 31st
Birthdays: Barbara DeBatiste August18, John Fell August 31
Spouse Birthday: Penny Pearl August 23
Wedding Anniversary: Bill and Sue Alston
Rotary Join Date: Bonnie Holly August 19- 2 years, Julie Westerling August 25- 1 year