Vicki introduced Steve Snyder before beginning her program because Steve was also a RI Director some years ago. She then began to answer the question: What is being a RI Director? It is the privilege of serving around the world and the joy of experiencing so many different cultures.
Directors come from Zones and there are 34 Zones in the world that are based on Rotary membership numbers. Vicki described 1 Rotary Center as an18 story building as the heart of Rotary, that employs 600 with an additional 200 other International offices around the world. She complimented the General Secretary of RI, John Hewko (from Kyiv, Ukraine) as being competent, efficient and professional. The BOD meet four times each year and these meetings connect many different cultures. They employ a staff of interpreters who manage to keep everyone informed of discussions in real time at all the meetings. She described stories and had photos of several of the countries she visited in the role as Director. Please continue on the next page. |