Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Next Speaker Bob Deering 10-19-23
Bob's topic is Human Trafficking: Where do we go from here.
We look forward to hearing about this topic.
Minutes of Meeting 10-12-23

The Club welcomed president Richard back from travels. He shared that Penny had been ill during the trip requiring an early return but she is feeling better now.

Richad opened the meeting with 40 members and guests present, with the Flag salute led by Joe and the Four-Way Test led by Kris,

Guests present: Guest Speaker Judy Kent, Carol French (Joann's guest), Janet Osterhout and Heather Osterhout (Clark). Students and their parents from 12 Bridges HS:  Adrianna Cyr, Rebeckah Williams, Tenaya Ducioame, Christine & Montel Golatte and Vector Galtreso-12 Bridges Counselor. 

Twelve Bridges Students of the Month
Twelve Bridges Student of the Month:
Adrianna Cyr, Rebekah Williams 
and Counselor Caesar Balderas
Paul Harris Recognition
Clark provided an excellent history of what Paul Harris stands for, and how it is achieved, before presenting a Paul Harris +1 to Bonnie Holly.
Members then recognized her accomplishment with a standing ovation.

 Joann announced that there will be fundraising on October 24th, at Brothers Taphouse, 2270 Nicholaus Road in Lincoln, for World Polio Day. Paul mentioned that the club has donated $2,000 to PolioPlus. Bryan gave reminders for the Tour de Lincoln on October 21st. More people are still needed to help on both Friday and Saturday. About 200 riders are expected to participate. Richard announced the District 5180 Foundation Dinner ...

Guest Speaker- Judy West
  Clark introduced Judy saying that she was a personal friend and that Judy is the President of Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary. she has been involved with Homeward Bound for over 20 years.
Homeward Bound was founded in 2000 and since then they have saved more than 10,000 dog lives. homeward Bound offers 8 acres of countryside where the dogs can run, play, and train until they journey to forever homes. There is a robust foster program that allows more dogs to be saved. If a dog cannot be adopted they are welcome to live out their lives in the sanctuary.
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1.Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
     5. HAVE FUN !!
10/19 Bob Deering
Police Dept.: Human Trafficking
Where do we go from here?
10/26 Officer Bryce Rogers LPD
Technology, Crimes & Scams
11/2 Clark Osterhout
Rotary Foundation
Meeting 10/19
Lunch -Lincoln Chinese
Joann& Joe S.
Sign In
Diane Fix
Take Down
Paul & Phil K.
Meeting 10/26
Lunch- Salad Works
Sign In
Take Down
Paul & Dick F
Coming Events
Tour de Lincoln
October 21
October 24
World Polio Day
Brothers Taphouse
November 18
Foundation Dinner
Citrus Heights Community Center
November 30
5th Week Social Evening
December 15:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
     Link to photos for 10/5/2023
       Link to photos for 10/12/2023
       Link to photos from 
       Night at the Races
Many Thanks to everyone who contributes ideas  for thisn Bulletin
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             Birthdays and Anniversaries October 13 to October 19
 Happy Birthday to: Holly Andreatta October 14
      and     Janet Osterhout (Clark) October 7
Happy Anniversary to: Alan and Barbara Lowe, 24 years, October 14, 1999
Rotary join date Anniversary: Kerry Callaghan, Emma Oehler, Scott Pickett, Tony, Zugich
     All on October 14, 2021