Rotary Motto:
Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Woman's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Meeting Bulletin for
Upcoming Guest Speaker

The guest speaker for the meeting December 12 is Nita Wracker. She is the Assistant City Manager for the City of Lincoln and is responsible for developing and administering the city-wide $33M budget. This promises to be a very interesting meeting.

 Meeting Welcome

President Greg opened the meeting with 26 members and 2 guests. The flag salute was led by Edgardo and the Four Way test was led by Paul. Guests welcomed were: Guest Speaker Judge Van Camp and Penny Pearl.

Lyricist and Poet- Alan Lowe
 Alan shared his poem "What would my wife think?"
Events and Committee Announcements

Greg began the events discussion by saying that 8 + members have signed up to help the Kiwanis Club sell See's Candy at Orchard Creek. He also reported that the Dart committee has finalized their report. The next step is to bring the report to the BOD for their input, and then a report to the club. The committee has completed a comprehensive outreach study of the citizens and businesses of Lincoln over the past year. Edgardo addressed the need to support the Salvation Army bell ringers as donations this year are 25 % lower than previous years. Clark reported that the Silver Wishes provided Seniors with 36 Wishes and 55 Christmas trees. Paul reported for WCS that $1,000 has been donated to Haiti project for the schools. Kris has challenged the Interact Club to complete the Christmas stocking project in 1 hour at the next meeting. She also mentioned that the Santa Letters are responded to every year by the Woman's Club and Interact members.

Guest Speaker

Judge Brian Van Camp was introduced by Joann Hilton. After serving sixteen years on the Superior Court, Judge Van Camp (Ret.) has excelled as an arbitrator and mediator practicing in challenging commercial, business, and real property disputes, earning recognition for his professionalism, empathetic listening, and innovative problem-solving skills. The Judge began his program by illustrating several Republic's that historically have failed to maintain their Democrocy such as the Republics of Rome, France, Germany and China. He said that the Jury system of peers, is the heart and lungs of Liberty. That the USA struggles to retain the system unique to our country in part because of the change from unbiased election of judges to judges that that promote their politics. Furthermore, of those citizens that are called to jury duty only 30% actually show up, with the percent in Sacramento being a bit higher at 50-60 %. Unfortunately, he said, there is no real consequence for this low level of citizen responsibility.

The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!

December 12: Nita Wracker
City of Lincoln Financial Update
December 19: Veronica Blake
Placer Community Foundation
December 26: No Meeting
Lunch- Mexican by Becky
Richard, Louie M.
Sign In
Donna M., Carol A.
Take Down
Jerry S, Paul
Lunch- Lincoln Chinese 
David B.
Sign In
Take down
Coming Events & Fundraisers
December 18: BOD Meeting
5:15 Claire's Home
Open to all Members

December 20: Community Blood Drive
December 21: Santa's Workshop
4-6 PM  Beerman's Plaza
March 29: Woman's Club Masquerade Ball
Orchard Creek, 5:00 PM
April: District 5180 Conference in Disneyland
June 21-25: RI Conference, Calgary
November 1, 2025: 100th Anniversary
GALA! Save the date.
Club Executives 2024-2025
Greg Kevin
President -elect:
Kerry Callahan
PE Nominee:
Richard Pearl
Clark Osterhout
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
Club Chairs: 2024-2025
Administration Chair
Community Service Co-Chairs
Karen Johnson, Linda Scott
Club Foundation Chair
Jerry Johnson
Fundraising & Events Chair
Keela Marquez
Membership Chair
Public Image Chairs
Carol Abbanat/Lindsey Graves
RI Foundation Chair
Speaker Chair
World Community Service Chair
Darrell Scott and Paul Radcliffe
Youth Services Chair
Website and Social Media
Lindsey Graves
Photos from Christmas Float Build
Photos from Turkey Drive 11-21-24
Photos from Meeting 12-05-24
Many thanks to everyone who 
 contributed ideas for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
        Birthdays and Anniversaries
in December
December 8: Judith Ratley
December 10: Joe Stewart
December 13: Carol Abbanat
December 24: Claire Luke
December 27: Joann Hilton
Spouse/Partner Birthdays
December 4: Richard VanGieson (Carole Orlando)
December 17: Sarah Kevin(Greg)
December 18: Ari Spillers (Dacota)
December 29: Denice Alves(Matt)
December 30: Jerry and Karen Johnson 57 years
December 29: Bill and Sandy Cook 56 years
December 2: Dick and Terry Fowler 52 years
December 27:Nat and Rod Benipayo 44 years
December 20: Paul and Gail Radcliffe 16years
 Rotary Join Anniversaries
December 29: Bill Cook 19 years 
December 10: Paul Radcliffe 18 years
December 21: Truman Rich 18 years
December 11: Clark Osterhout 15 years
December 7: Kimberly McCue 7 years
December 5: Carole Orlando 5 years   _______________________________________
Rotary Sponsor
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