Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meeting Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street, Lincoln
Guest Speaker 11/16/23
Dr. Mark LeMay, D.C.
Dr. LeMay was inspired to be a chiropractor at an early age because of a back injury to his father.
His father was treated by a chiropractor and at age 12 he thought it was amazing that his father felt so much better.
"He thought it was magic."
Dr. LeMay will discuss nutrition and alternate supplements to drugs.
Minutes of Meeting 11-9-23

Richard opened the meeting with Edgardo leading the Flag Salute and Joann leading the Four-Way Test with 38 members and guests present. 

Guests present: Jeanine Belli (Greg), Jeromy Pierroz- Guest Speaker, Ana Lauritsen (Bill), 12 Bridges Students: Michelle and her parents, Omar Villagomez and his parents, and Counselor Tom Kelley. 

It is always a pleasure to hear the stories of such excellent high school students read by Counselor Kelley.                           

Committee Announcements

Kris: the Interact Club is collecting for the Soldier Angels project. William Jessup is donation caps. 11/16 is last chance to provide donations to Kris. Richard reminded members that the District Foundation Dinner is Nov 18. He has sent reminders regarding payment for those who have Club Table reservation.  Taste of Italy is February 24th and volunteers can sign up to help with Julie W or at future meetings.Edgardo announced 11/10 as the 248th anniversary of the Marines. (He wore his dress uniform as well.) Toys4Tots is now collecting for Christmas. Paul announced the March Chapala trip is being organized. Let Paul, Joann or Richard P. know if you are interested in participating. Darrell announced that the 40 acre Ranch of the Bob Dart Legacy has been sold for $900,000. (Rotary information only) He also asked the entire committee: John, Paul and Jerry to be recognized for all the time and effort they have all given to the Bob Dart Legacy. The members applauded in appreciation. Richard followed with a reminder that a Strategic Plan committee has been formed, with Greg as the Chairperson, to consider options for the Dart Legacy income. The committee consists of Club Past Presidents and 2 volunteers. Claire informed members that the November Social has been moved to Wednesday, November 29th. More information next week. Greg is sending an email to members to sign up to help the Kiwanis Club with their See's Candy Fundraiser. The Kiwanis have helped our club with several of our events. The proceeds go to Military serving overseas. Jerry announced that he brought some Ternero Olive Oil to sell for the SCLH Foundation.

Additional announcements
Coming up Thursday, November 16 from 2:00 - 8:00 PM the Fire Station at First and Joiner will be collecting turkeys for the Salt Mine to distribute for Thanksgiving.
Lincoln Rotary always schedules some volunteers to be there to help unload the turkeys at the Salt Mine. Joann suggests bringing gloves as the frozen turkeys leads to cold hands. Also, helpers from 6-8:00 P  are still needed.
Guest Speaker Jeromy Pierroz
Nat Benipayo introduced Jeromy Pierroz. s
She met him at a church function that she attended with her granddaughter. On very short notice Jeromy was able to come and speak to the club.
Jeromy Pierroz grew up in Cool, Ca. After High School he joined the Navy and served for thirteen years and now resides in Roseville. On leaving the Navy he realized what a difficult and frustrating process that exit was, He felt that he wanted to do something to make it easier for the men and women as they transition out of service. Particularly he wanted to help them find jobs, how to access VA benefits, find housing, clothing and food as many are homeless when they exit. He and another veteran formed Changing Cadence a Christian Based 501C3. He talked about a Veteran's Day Walk on Saturday from 3:00 PM at Roseville's Veterans Memorial Park. The Walk is approximately 3 miles. Needless to say, he'd love to have some Rotarians participate in the Walk.
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1. Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
   5. HAVE FUN !!
11/16 Dr Mark LeMay
Chiropractor and Wellness 
11/23 Happy Thanksgiving to all 
No Meeting
11/30 Social Evening
December 7 TBD
December14 Kerry Callahan
December 21
SCLH Singers
Meeting 11/16
Lunch - Lincoln Chinese
Sign In
Dianne & Linda
Take Down
Paul, Bill Cook, Paul
Meeting 12/7
Lunch- Mr. Pickles
David & Truman
Sign In
Dakota & Brandon
Take Down
Dick & Bill Cook 
Coming Events
November 16
Collecting Turkeys
Fire Station @
First and Joiner    
2:00-8:00 PM
November 18
Foundation Dinner
Citrus Heights Community Center
Happy Thanksgiving
November 30
5th Week Social Evening
December 15:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
February 24:
Taste of Italy
April 27:
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort
RI Convention- Singapore
May 25-29, 2024

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
        Link to photos for 10/19/2023
         Link to photos for 10/26/23
         Link to photos from 
           Tour de Lincoln
    Provided by Richard Pearl
          Link to photos for 11/2/23
Link to photos for 11/9/23        
Many thanks to everyone who contributes ideas  for this Bulletin, and to Jan for proofreading, and Bill for his awesome photos.
             Birthdays and Anniversaries
November10 to December 7th
Dan Koch: November 17
Carole Orlando: November 24
Vincent Castagnolo: November 27
Alyssa Mello: November 29
Spouse Birthday
Richard VanGieson (Carole O.) Dec 4
Rotary Join Anniversaries
Carole Orlando 4yrs. Dec 5, 2019
Kimberly McCue 6 yrs. Dec 7, 2017
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