Rotary Moto: Service Above Self
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lincoln
Meetings Thursday at Noon
Women's Club, 499 E Street , Lincoln
Speaker for September 28,
Kris Wyatt and RYLA Students

Alan Lowe

     Alan Lowe- Poet Laureate 
 Alan's poems and stories are always special to hear. Today reflecting on returning to the rhythms of Fall.
Here is the quote of the day:
"A poem is the very image of life expressed in it's eternal truth" Percy Shelby
Minutes of Meeting 9-21-23
Brian greeted everyone as leader since Richard is out of town. Dick led the Pledge and Darrell the Four-Way Test.
Approximately 34 members were present including the Guest Speaker, Lisa Ternero.
Kris addressed Night at the Races saying volunteers WILL receive email saying what time to arrive for whatever your volunteer responsibility requires.  She said she doesn't know when she will do the email but trust it will arrive.
Brian reminded members that Tour de Lincoln is October 21st just 4 weeks away. Participants are down this year so be sure to reach out to friends who might be interested . Volunteers will be needed both Friday 9-4 and Saturday 9-2 and sign-ups will be available soon. Paul reported that WCS has plans to collaborate with (or support financially) the Peace Corps for a project to be determined. Carol asked if members who participate in the Auburn Ravine Clean up and the Health for Kids would take pictures of Rotarians in Action for the Bulletin and the Website. 
Guest Speaker Lisa Ternero
Lisa began with a bit of family history. She met her husband Felipe when they were both students at Chico State University. Felipe was from an olive farming family in Estepa, Spain. She and her husband decided to continue the family tradition of growing and producing the best olive oil from two farms, one in Lincoln the other in Spain. 
Ternero Olive Oil is sold primarily locally and at local Farmers Markets. Lisa also supports many non-profits by working together with the olive oil sales shared with the organizations. She loves to educate people to the health benefits of olive oil and how to recognize good olive oil. At the meeting she provided samples of their olive oil for tasting a good Extra Vergin Olive Oil as well as Balsamic Vinegar. She also discussed the other products they offer such as flavored olive oil, and she educated us to the fact that olive oil should be kept in a dark area away from heat especially not in cruets by the stove. 
From Ternero Olive Oil Website:
"Local olive oil from Lincoln, CA. Visit their farm stand at the olive orchard and go on in if the gates are open or call for an appointment : 916-508-5325. For schedule of farmers markets, please see website."
District Conference 2024
The 2024 District Conference             
Held at the Grand Sierra Resort Reno
May 17, 18, 19, 2024
The Four-Way Test
           The Four-Way Test
  Of the things we think, say or do:
   1.Is it the truth?
   2. Is it fair to all concerned?
   3. Will it build goodwill and
         better friendships?
   4. Will it be beneficial
        to all concerned?
     5. HAVE FUN !!
9/28 RYLA Students
Kris Wyatt
10/05 Jon Osterhout
Head Football Coach
American River College
10/12 TBA
10/19 Bob Deering
Police Dept.: Human Trafficking
Where do we go from here.


Meeting 9/28
Alan & Bill A.
Sign In
Jan & Carol
Take down
Paul & Phil
Coming Events 
September 29:
Night at the Races
October 12:
Senior Health & Safety
McBean Pavilion 10- 3:00 PM
Tour de Lincoln
November 30:
5th Week Social Evening
December 15:
Blood Drive 10:45-3:00 PM
May 17, 18,19 2024
Triple District Conferences
Grand Sierra Resort

Club Executives 2023-2024

Richard Pearl
President -elect:
Greg Kevin
PE Nominee:
Kerry Callahan
Kim McCue
John Quigley
Andrea Tracy-Flamenco
     Link to photos for 9/7/2023
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