Here's Kristine Mollenkopf,

Lincoln Rotary Accomplishments 2021-2022
Kristine Mollenkopf, President
Community Service
Painting and restoration of the McBean Park Bandstand
Volunteering for Food Distribution and Donations to Salt Mine
Ran successful Lincoln Wine Fest to support Downtown Lincoln and Placer County wineries and breweries. Over six hundred attendees.
Sponsored and managed Tour de Lincoln with over 500 attendees.
Sponsor, set up, tear down and publicize Bi-Monthly Blood Drives (6 a year) resulting in significant blood donations for our community.
Volunteered for annual Turkey Drive with our Fire fighters.
Composed and installed two new Park signs honoring their namesakes.
Youth projects and support
Project Cornerstone, a value-based Literacy program, was initiated, funded and implemented in one WPUSD school, Leamon Elementary. This pilot implementation will be followed by implementation over time in all the WPUSD Elementary schools using both Rotary and Community volunteers and the support of WPUSD staff.
Sponsored LHS and TBHS Football and LHS Baseball, Girls’ Softball and Little League programs.
Phoenix High School Leadership Camp Scholarship funding of $1,000.
Constructed, painted and implemented five Little Libraries at Elementary schools in WPUSD.
Established a new Interact Club at Twelve Bridges High School with over 25 members.
Provided $7,000 in Scholarships to five High School graduates.
Donation of a Shelter Box and award for high level of support over the years.
Major donations totaling $6,558 to eradicate Polio from the Club ($2,000) and from individual members, three times as much as the prior year.
Lincoln Rotary’s total contribution to Rotary Int’l Foundation was $16,000, including PolioPlus.
Club donations of over $1500 to scholarship Elementary, Middle and High School students of Lake Chapala, Mexico plus substantial donations by individual members to both student scholarships and for laptops.
Tepehua Community Center, our partners for over 10 years, $1500 for installation of toilets. And $1,000 for water filters for Chapala villages.
Haiti $1400 for support of school expenses
SAFE Passage, Guatemala $1,000 for school expenses for the children who live at the dump.
WASH Water, sanitation District 5180 project in Honduras $1,000
Bangladesh $1,000 education project
Guatemala Literacy and Education District 5180 project
Rotary Accomplishments for Rotary Club of Lincoln
Record breaking increase in Lincoln Rotary membership – from 47 members at beginning of the year, adding TWENTY SEVEN new members, giving a new net total of 65 active members.
Was awarded the highest honor for a 5180 Club—the Bell award for Club of Year.
Chamber award, voted Best of Best Service Club in Lincoln
Gold Country Media award, voted Best of Best Service Club in Lincoln.
Major revamp of Lincoln Rotary’s website.
In accordance with Rotary International, established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee to ensure that we are inclusive with everyone. Established the Lincoln Rotary Peace Committee to emphasize Rotary’s overarching goal of Peace that always starts in our own Community.