Our Partners

It takes teamwork to meet your goals.
This page is dedicated to our partners, who with their support and collaboration helped our Rotary Club meet our vision of a strong and vibrant Club second to none in Friendship and Service. We Thank you All.
Charitable Community Partners
The Salt Mine is a Faith Based Charity established to enhance and improve the lives of individuals and families within the Lincoln community. Rotary members routinely support meal preparation, delivery, and distribution.
JustServe is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations are posted, and volunteers may search for opportunities to enhance the quality of life in the community. This has been an aid to many volunteer-based organizations to fulfill their volunteer needs.
Project Cornerstone is a community initiative, led by the YMCA. It is an anti-bullying and positive self-esteem-promoting program. Last year we started Project Cornerstone at SLES with a couple of classes; now we have enough volunteers for all classes. Students are learning about self-respect, being a Bucket Filler, perseverance, trust, and core developmental assets.
Vitalant is the nation’s largest independent, nonprofit blood services provider exclusively focused on providing lifesaving blood and comprehensive transfusion medicine services. They are used exclusively by our Rotary Club in support of our many Blood Drives each year.
The Mission of the F3 Nation is about growing Leadership. To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Our Rotary is committed to the YOUTH of our community. The work 4-H provides in the community has positively impacted youth development. Their hands-on projects provide meaningful opportunities for youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change.
ShelterBox is a disaster relief charity and has been the adopted project to Rotary International’s only Project Partner in disaster relief. Currently, all ShelterBox affiliates have been set up by Rotarians and the growth has been phenomenal.
Our Rotary supports the American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement and is the world’s largest peer-to-peer fundraising event dedicated to saving lives from cancer. Funds raised through Relay For Life directly support breakthrough research, 24/7 support for cancer patients, access to lifesaving screenings, and much more.
The PolarTREC vision is to create a successful approach to professional development in the polar regions. The program's goal is to invigorate polar science education by bringing educators and polar researchers together. We support teachers participating in this program.
Our Rotary Club supports the annual Clay Day for kids in concert with the Art League of Lincoln. Besides the Art tours, the bazaar includes kids learning how to create and model with Clay... and yes, it gets messy.
Community Education Partners
Our Rotary Club has sponsored the Rotary Interact Club for the past two years that TBHS. The student Interactors have been involved with community service supporting, volunteering at other schools, Rotary special service events, as Santa writing Santa Letters to children in our community, making jump ropes for Rotary International projects, and providing 30 Christmas stockings for Soldier Angels
Rotary has been involved with LHS for many years. Our Rotary Club has presented scholarships during these years, including Outstanding Senior Boy/Girl, Community Service and Vocation/Career Tech, and the prestigious Alan Bradford Scholarship. Rotary has sponsored LHS athletics through banner sponsorship, while also volunteering to assist at Career Fairs in the past.
Our Rotary Club has sponsored students to attend a leadership conference in Southern California, we provided WIFI assistance to students during the pandemic and continued our help to students’ families during times of hardships. We love helping our students and supporting the youth in our community.
Our Rotary Club supports a Project Cornerstone program at SLES. We along with community volunteers teach a positive self-esteem curriculum.
Business Community & Local Government Partners
The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce is the place for local Lincoln, CA businesses to find business help, support and encouragement ... Many of our Rotay members are also Chamber members. We look forward to all growing together. *
Our Rotary supports the City of Lincoln and its service needs. We enjoy the many City of Lincoln officials who are Corporate members and support our Club.
This local bike company has graciously supported our Tour de Lincoln, providing technicians for repair and bike adjustments on race day. We appreciate you 🚲
Sierra Pacific is a 3rd generation family-owned forest products company focused on sustainable forest management. We are proud to have them in our community.
Our Rotary Club supports the Lincoln Police Activities League (PAL), PAL is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering positive relationships founded on mutual respect, trust, and understanding between police officers and young people. PAL's motto is “bridging the gap between cops and kids.”