Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) 2013

President Karen really turned the meeting around.  The podium was at the opposite end of the room, with the tables turned cattywampus. Mixed things up a bit; now lets hope that the membership follows suit by sitting at different tables for each meeting.  

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Vic and Wild Bill announced birthdays.  We were pleased to have Dyann Branch (Pres. of Kiwanis), Penny Pearl and Sharon Johnson as our guests. Jay won the drawing but did not have the talent to pull the Ace of Spades from the three remaining cards. Truman was very happy since he now has a new car!  Kris announced that there was a big turnout at the Interact/Key club meeting and that it is now at 11:30AM on Wednesday each week. 

ImageJerry announced that the park signs are arriving next week so he will be arranging work day(s) to install them. Make sure and block out October 12 for our social at Kris's home.  And, sell the Cow Chip Bingo tickets. 

Isaac Kelly (Interact Pres.) and Janeth Zamora who had been to Camp RYLA were our speakers. (Our third sponsored student Josh DeLaRosa could not come to the meeting.) They both expressed their feelings about the meeting and how it helped them relate more easily with others and to understand themselves.  Isaac said "... I got more hugs that week than he had earlier in his life."  Both thanked us for sponsoring them to RYLA.  

Click for: 
     Pictures           Meeting Slides
      Video of Camp RYLA
       Karen's You Tube Tribute to Labor Day

    And, a Tribute to Those Who Died 09/11/2001 (from the author)