Kris Wyatt and Kerry Callahan are coordinating the 100th year anniversary of the RCL (10/16/1925 to 10/16/2025) which will be held on Saturday, November 1, 2025. The Salt Mine needs volunteers on Sat., 9/14, from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. as per Linda Scott. Kris Wyatt spoke about the Senior Health Fair on Wed., Sept. 18th from 10 to 2 p.m. at McBean Park, with 50 vendors and a variety of senior resources available. Linda reminded us about the Great Auburn Ravine Cleanup at on Sat., 9/21/24. Joann spoke about the District’s Peace Conference Event on 9/21/24 at CA Expo. Kris reminded us of the Youth Committee meeting today at 5:30 at the Dueling Dogs. Kris announced help with set up and bags of treats needed at the Twelve Bridges High School (Interact Club) later in October. We drive up, park, and pass out treats to students.